The lastest version of this document is available on Github > datetime-object

Section Parsing


DateTime.parse(string); DateTime.parse(string,format); DateTime.parse(string,[formats]); DateTime.parse(string,[formats],parseExact); DateTime.parse(string,[formats],parseExact,utcMode);

When creating a DateTime from a string, we first check if the string matches known ISO 8601 formats, we then check if the string matches the RFC 2822 Date time format before dropping to the fall back of `new Date(string)` if a known format is not found.

var day = new DateTime("1995-12-25");

**Warning:** Browser support for parsing strings is inconsistent . Because there is no specification on which formats should be supported, what works in some browsers will not work in other browsers.

          An ISO 8601 string requires a date part.

          2013-02-08  A calendar date part
          2013-W06-5  A week date part
          2013-039    An ordinal date part
          20130208    Basic (short) full date
          2013W065    Basic (short) week, weekday
          2013W06     Basic (short) week only
          2013050     Basic (short) ordinal date
      A time part can also be included, separated from the date part by a space or a uppercase T.
          2013-02-08T09            An hour time part separated by a T
          2013-02-08 09            An hour time part separated by a space
          2013-02-08 09:30         An hour and minute time part
          2013-02-08 09:30:26      An hour, minute, and second time part
          2013-02-08 09:30:26.123  An hour, minute, second, and millisecond time part
          2013-02-08 24:00:00.000  hour 24, minute, second, millisecond equal 0 means next day at midnight
          20130208T080910,123      Short date and time up to ms, separated by comma
          20130208T080910.123      Short date and time up to ms
          20130208T080910          Short date and time up to seconds
          20130208T0809            Short date and time up to minutes
          20130208T08              Short date and time, hours only
      Any of the date parts can have a time part.
          2013-02-08 09  A calendar date part and hour time part
          2013-W06-5 09  A week date part and hour time part
          2013-039 09    An ordinal date part and hour time part
      If a time part is included, an offset from UTC can also be included as `+-HH:mm`, `+-HHmm`, `+-HH` or `Z`.
          2013-02-08 09+07:00            +-HH:mm
          2013-02-08 09-0100             +-HHmm
          2013-02-08 09Z                 Z
          2013-02-08 09:30:26.123+07:00  +-HH:mm
          2013-02-08 09:30:26.123+07     +-HH
If a string does not match any of the above formats and is not able to be parsed with `Date.parse`, the function returns `null`.

The RFC 2822 date time format

Before parsing a RFC 2822 date time the string is cleansed to remove any comments and/or newline characters. The additional characters are legal in the format but add nothing to creating a valid DateTime instance.
After cleansing, the string is validated in the following space-separated sections, all using the English language: 6 Mar 17 21:22 UT 6 Mar 17 21:22:23 UT 6 Mar 2017 21:22:23 GMT 06 Mar 2017 21:22:23 Z Mon 06 Mar 2017 21:22:23 z Mon, 06 Mar 2017 21:22:23 +0000 1.
Day of Week in three letters, followed by an optional comma. (optional) 2. Day of Month (1 or 2 digit), followed by a three-letter month and 2 or 4 digit year 3.
Two-digit hours and minutes separated by a colon (:), followed optionally by another colon and seconds in 2-digits 4.

Timezone or offset in one of the following formats:

  1. UT : +0000
  2. GMT : +0000
  3. EST | CST | MST | PST | EDT | CDT | MDT | PDT : US time zones*
  4. A I | KZ : Military time zones* 5. Time offset +/-9999 [*] See section 4.3 of the specification for details. The parser also confirms that the day-of-week (when included) is consistent with the date.


DateTime.parseZone(); DateTime.parseZone(String); DateTime.parseZone(String, String); DateTime.parseZone(String, String, Boolean); DateTime.parseZone(String, String, String, Boolean);

DateTime's string parsing functions like `new DateTime(string)` and `DateTime.utc(string)` accept offset information if provided, but convert the resulting DateTime object to local or UTC time. In contrast, `DateTime.parseZone()` parses the string but keeps the resulting DateTime object in a fixed-offset timezone with the provided offset in the string.

DateTime.parseZone("2013-01-01T00:00:00-13:00").utcOffset(); DateTime.parseZone('2013 01 01 05 -13:00', 'YYYY MM DD HH ZZ').utcOffset(); DateTime.parseZone('2013-01-01-13:00', ['DD MM YYYY ZZ', 'YYYY MM DD ZZ']).utcOffset();

It also allows you to pass locale and strictness arguments.

DateTime.parseZone("2013 01 01 -13:00", 'YYYY MM DD ZZ', true).utcOffset(); DateTime.parseZone("2013-01-01-13:00", 'YYYY MM DD ZZ', true).utcOffset(); DateTime.parseZone("2013 01 01 -13:00", 'YYYY MM DD ZZ', 'fr', true).utcOffset(); DateTime.parseZone("2013 01 01 -13:00", ['DD MM YYYY ZZ', 'YYYY MM DD ZZ'], 'fr', true).utcOffset();

`DateTime.parseZone` is equivalent to parsing the string and using `DateTime#utcOffset` to parse the zone.

var s = "2013-01-01T00:00:00-13:00"; new DateTime(s).utcOffset(s);

Invalid Parsing

If the parsing fails, the function returns `null` and logs a message on the console to explain the reason for the failure