

for NodeJs

var Path=require("passthrough-object");

for browser

<script src="node_modules/passthrough-object/distrib/passthrough-object.min.js"></script>



Path.get(object, path, defaultValue);

object (Object): an object

path(String): path to pass through object. It's a string with names of properties separated with a dot.

defaultValue(Object) : default value for sub-property if not found with path

var obj = { a: 1, b: { c: 3, d: 4, e: [{ f: '5', g: '6' }, { f: '7', g: '8' }, { f: '9', g: '10' }] } }; console.log(Path.get(obj, "b.d", null)); // 4 console.log(Path.get(obj, "b.e.0.f", null)); // 5 console.log(Path.get(obj, "b.e[0].f", null)); //5 console.log(Path.get(obj, "b.e", null)); // [ { f: '5', g: '6' }, { f: '7', g: '8' }, { f: '9', g: '10' } ]

no need more for modify

var be = Path.get(obj, "b.e", {}); be.push({ f: "11", g: "12" }); console.log(be); /* [ { f: '5', g: '6' }, { f: '7', g: '8' }, { f: '9', g: '10' }, { f: '11', g: '12' } ] */ console.log(Path.get(obj, "b.e", {})); /* [ { f: '5', g: '6' }, { f: '7', g: '8' }, { f: '9', g: '10' }, { f: '11', g: '12' } ] */


Path.set(object, path, value);

object(Object): an object

path(String): path to pass through object. It's a string with names of properties separated with a dot.

valuevalue to set for sub-property