fna function with 3 arguments : (element, index, the collection)
Iterate over the collection, executing a function for each matched element.
fna function with 3 arguments : (element, index, the collection)
Iterate over the collection, executing a function for each matched element.
.addClass( className )
classNameOne or more space-separated classes to be added to the class attribute of each item of the collection.
Adds the specified class(es) of each item of the collection.
className : One or more space-separated classes to be removed from each item of the collection.
Remove a single class, multiple classes, or all classes from each item of the collection.
Add or remove one or more classes from each element of the collection, depending on either the class’s presence or the value of the state argument.
Return the css properties or set the css properties.
visibleboolean indicate if show or hide
Display the element.
Remove each element of the collection