

make a new instance of context menu.

new ContextMenu(menuInfo)

object menuInfo {
menuId: html id of the menu
targetId: id of the html element on which the context menu should be created
showAccessKey: bool to show shortcut in context menu
beforeShowing: function called before showing context menu. This function can update items before showing
items: array of menuItems
object menuItem {
key: html id of the menu item
label: Text of menu item
class: Css class of menu item
fn: function to call when the menu item is selected
accesskey: shortcut key to select the menu item
showing: function call to determine the css class of menu item WHEN showing menu
disabled: bool to active or inactive the menu item

<div id="myMenu">right click here</div> <script> var ContextMenu = { menuId:document.querySelector("#myMenu"), items: [{ key: "cut", label: "cut", fn: () => console.log("cut") }] }; var menu = new ContextMenu(menuInfo); </script>


insertItem(menuItem, position)

menuItemsee below

positionindex of menuItem position in the menu

insert a menuItem in a menu at position

var menu = new ContextMenu(menuInfo); menu.insertItem({},2);



menuItemmenuItem to remove in the contextMenu

Remove a menuItem outside the menu

var menu = new ContextMenu(menuInfo); var menuInfo = menuInfo.items[2]; menu.removeItem(menuInfo);


<link rel="stylesheet" href="node_modules/htmlelement-contextmenu/distrib/htmlelement-contextmenu.min.css" /> <script src="node_modules/htmlelement-contextmenu/distrib/htmlelement-contextmenu.min.js"></script> <div id="div1">right click here</div> <script> var menuInfo = { menuId: "menu1", targetId: "#div1", items: [{ key: "cut", label: "cut", fn: () => console.log("cut") }, { label: "sep" }, { key: "copy", label: "Copy", fn: () => console.log("copy") }, { key: "paste", label: "Paste", showing: () => { let val = document.querySelector("#t1"); return (val.value < 5) ? "cmDisabled" : "-cmDisabled"; }, fn: () => console.log("paste") }] }; var menu = new ContextMenu(menuInfo); </script>